Hawaii Covering Kids & Families Initiative
Grant Overview
Hawai`i has over 29,000 uninsured children and youth, approximately 21,000 of whom are eligible for Medicaid. QUEST is the state's managed care program and Medicaid Fee-for-Service pays for health benefits for those who are certified blind or disabled. These health insurance plans, administered by Med-QUEST, were expanded in July 2000 for children and youth up to 200% FPL, including legal immigrants and migrants from the Freely Associated States.
The Hawai`i Covering Kids & Families project will establish seamless and simplified health insurance eligibility and renewal processes with the expectation that all children and youth will be covered by health insurance. The state coalition will link and coordinate public and private efforts, network effective practices, and provide a forum for the development of promising new strategies to reach, enroll and retain eligible uninsured children and youth. The major outreach target groups will be 1) adolescents (ages 14-18 years old), 2) young adults (ages 18 to 19 years old), 3) immigrant children and youth, 4) grandparents raising grandchildren, 5) businesses, labor unions and associations, 6) students of health care professions, 7) hospital emergency rooms, and 8) Native Hawaiians. Our coalition will simplify the enrollment and renewal processes so families have positive experiences with Medicaid programs and eligible children and youth stay enrolled. The Hawai`i Covering Kids & Families project will expand implementation of its electronic application, advocate for self-declaration of income and assets, help the state develop information in appropriate languages, research one-year of continuous eligibility, and develop a child and pregnant woman application. It will also continue its informational web site (www.coveringkids.com) with downloadable Medicaid forms. Public-private partnerships will expand through annual conferences for federal, state and community participants and neighborhood workshops will be held to inform parents and guardians about health insurance options for their children. Two local projects, located in the North Shore area of O`ahu and on the island of Kaua`i, will model innovative and creative approaches to coordinated outreach and increased enrollment with better retention.
Grant Amount
Children: $70,000
Start Date
June 1, 2002 End Date
May 31, 2006
Target Populations
Adolescents (search other projects targeting Adolescents)
General audience (search other projects targeting General audience)
Grandparents (search other projects targeting Grandparents)
Immigrant families (search other projects targeting Immigrant families)
Native Hawaiians (search other projects targeting Native Hawaiians)
Seasonal workers (search other projects targeting Seasonal workers) Interventions
AARP (search other projects using this intervention)
Boys & girls clubs (search other projects using this intervention)
Business (search other projects using this intervention)
Chamber of commerce (search other projects using this intervention)
Provider/Clinic Sites (search other projects using this intervention)
Electronic application (search other projects using this intervention)
Faith based sites (search other projects using this intervention)
Hospital ERs (search other projects using this intervention)
Training/presentation (search other projects using this intervention)
Colleges/universities (search other projects using this intervention)
Schools (search other projects using this intervention) Lead Organization Hawai`i Covering Kids
Barbara Luksch
345 Queen Street
Suite 601
Honolulu, HI 96813-4715
p (808) 536-8442
e coverkids@aol.com
w www.coveringkids.com
Local Projects in Hawaii
Kahuku Hospital
Ho`ola Lahui Hawai`i