Virginia Covering Kids & Families Initiative
Grant Overview
On January 12, 2002, the Honorable Mark R. Warner was inaugurated as Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Child health insurance was a key issue of his gubernatorial campaign and is a priority for his administration. So the theme adopted by the 38 member Statewide Coalition of the Virginia Covering Kids & Families project is It's a New Day for Children's Health Insurance Programs in Virginia. 1) Increasing enrollment, documenting problems, and identifying solutions via three local projects that represent 32% of the eligible uninsured in the state;
2) Providing technical assistance to low-enrollment communities, training 3,000 community workers statewide, and expanding the statewide outreach network to 6,000 contacts that receives ongoing information through SignUpNow; and 3) Advocating for the implementation of administrative, regulatory, and legislative changes at the state level that simplify the process and improve coordination of the programs. Strategy One: Three CKF Local Coalitions will be involved in Virginia's project, serving 10 independent cities and nine counties. They are located in the southeastern, central and southwestern part of the state. One is urban; two are largely rural. In addition to enrolling children, the local projects will serve as key vehicles for documenting barriers, developing alternative approaches, and testing solutions to improve outreach, simplification, and coordination efforts statewide. Strategy Two: SignUpNow (SUN) will provide intensive outreach training, technical assistance, and support to the CKF projects and community based organizations statewide on conducting effective outreach. This will include community-wide workshops; training for key audiences, such as school nurses and health departments; quarterly newsletters and issue briefs.
Strategy Three: The Statewide Coalition will recommend to policymakers changes at the state level that will simplify the process and improve coordination of the programs by addressing eligibility criteria, application processes, program design and operations, and customer service issues statewide.
Virginia's bifurcated programs and the complexity of the programmatic and systems issues involved require both short and longer-term strategies. Systems change will begin with recommendations to policymakers for administrative, regulatory and legislative action.
Grant Amount
Children: $900,000
Start Date
July 1, 2002 End Date
June 30, 2006
Target Populations
African Americans (search other projects targeting African Americans)
Immigrant families (search other projects targeting Immigrant families)
Latino/Hispanic Americans (search other projects targeting Latino/Hispanic Americans)
Rural families (search other projects targeting Rural families)
Vulnerable urban populations (search other projects targeting Vulnerable urban populations) Interventions
Business (search other projects using this intervention)
Child care providers (search other projects using this intervention)
Community-based organizations (search other projects using this intervention)
Hospitals (search other projects using this intervention)
Schools (search other projects using this intervention) Lead Organization Virginia Health Care Foundation
Judith Cash
1001 East Broad Street
Suite 445
Richmond, VA 23219
p (804) 828-5804
Local Projects in Virginia
Consortium for Infant and Child Health (CINCH)
Radford University FAMIS Outreach Project
United Way-Thomas Jefferson